In memory materials order

Thank you for choosing to support St. Luke’s Hospice in memory of someone special. Please complete the form below to order some of our in memory materials, including personalised funeral envelopes and a tribute fund page.

If you order envelopes, we aim to print these within 3 working days and will then post them out to you or contact you to arrange collection. If you would like us to set up an online tribute fund page for you, we’ll email details, including login details, to the email address you provide on this form.

If you have any queries, please contact a member of the In Memory team on 01268 524973 or email [email protected].

Your details

Please complete all details below.

Your loved one’s details

Please complete the following details about your loved one. We will use this information to update our records, personalise your envelopes and to set up your online tribute fund (if applicable).

Please give your loved one’s most recent address if different to your own.

Your donation envelopes
An online page dedicated to your loved one

One way to raise money for a loved one is through an online tribute fund. A tribute fund is an online page dedicated to a loved one who has passed away. It’s a place where you can upload photos, display details relating to a funeral or celebration of life event, share special memories, light virtual candles and make donations in your loved-one’s name. Once a page has been created, you can share the link with friends and family who will also be able to leave messages and make donations. You can set up a tribute fund yourself at Alternatively we can arrange to set up a page for you.

Keeping in touch

We will use the contact details you provide to communicate with you in relation to your order and to confirm the amount raised in your loved one’s memory.

As a supporter of St. Luke’s Hospice, we’d love to keep in touch with our news, activities and opportunities for you to support us. We may contact you by post unless you tell us otherwise. You can update your preferences at any time by contacting [email protected] / 01268 524973.

Your privacy

In accordance with the data protection act St. Luke’s Hospice will store your data securely for the purposes of administering your support and communicating with you about our work and other ways you can support us. You can read our full privacy policy at