St. Luke’s Hospice are encouraging their local community to consider making or updating their Will during September by taking part in their annual initiative, ‘Make a Will Month.   

Working with local and online professional firms, the initiative provides the opportunity for adults of all ages to document their wishes, help protect their loved ones and support their local Hospice     

Throughout September, participating professionals are generously providing their Will writing expertise for free and waiving their usual fees to make or update simple Wills through an in-person appointment. Once your Will is finalised, you will then be asked to donate to St. Luke’s Hospice.   

St. Luke’s Hospice has also partnered with online Will writing provider, Make a Will Online, which runs a similar service digitally at your convenience for a fee, with part of the fee being donated to St. Luke’s Hospice.   

Sarah Stoddart, from the Legacies team at St. Luke’s Hospice said, “Many people do not currently have an up-to-date Will and plenty of us are guilty of putting off making one. Unfortunately, without this important legal document, the law will decide what happens to your estate after your death and this may not be what you intended  

This may mean that the people and causes you care about may not benefit from your estate in accordance with your wishes.  

“Having a Will in place helps to protect your loved ones and confirms your wishes around such things as legal guardianship for your children, funeral arrangements and any gifts you would like to leave to one or more charities of your choice – like St. Luke’s Hospice  

We are very grateful to the professionals who support our Make a Will Month and hope that our community take this great opportunity to get their affairs in order while also supporting St. Luke’s Hospice continue caring for local people and their families.  

A list of participating professionals, as well as further details about the Make a Will Month campaign and how to take part, are available on the St. Luke’s Hospice website -    

In-person appointments are limited, so we encourage you to book soon to avoid disappointment, by contacting your chosen professional directly, quoting ‘St Luke’s Hospice’.   

There is a suggested donation amount of £100 for a simple single Will, £175 for a pair of simple mirror Wills and £50 for a codicil, which can be made to St. Luke’s Hospice.   

Wills made through Make a Will Online will cost £60 and Make a Will Online will donate £20 to St. Luke’s Hospice.

There is no obligation to do so, but supporters can also take the opportunity when making their Will to consider a gift to a cause they care about, like St. Luke’s Hospice.    

Supporting Make a Will Month and donating to St. Luke’s Hospice will help to ensure the ongoing provision of specialist, compassionate palliative and end of life care for local people, where and when it is needed most. 

If you have any questions about Make a Will Month, please contact the Hospice’s Legacies team on 01268 524973 or [email protected].